Roof Types: Wood Shake



A natural beauty…

Wood is one of the oldest and most beautiful roofing materials available. Throughout history wood shakes, wood shingles, and wood thatch have been used on a large number of structures from Historic Buildings to cottages. Still today you will see wood shakes and shingles used on some of the most elegant and architecturally unique buildings. They are also one of the only natural and renewable roofing materials options on the market today. So, what makes it such a great roofing system? How do you maintain a shake roof? How is it made and installed? All of these questions will be answered below…


Wood shakes have been around and in use for thousands of years. Wood is a natural renewable resource that can me worked with by had. Allowing settlers in far off isolated regions to create roofing material with mere hand tools without the requirement of heavy machinery. Shakes and shingles can be made out of almost any kind of wood and varieties of wood types and shapes have been used. Shakes and shingles types have varied in design: hand split, sawn, re-sawn, taper sawn, shaven and more… and these same materials can even be applied as siding of a building, however installation technique and shingle design vary according to application.

Types of Wood Roofs

Wood roofing materials vary by wood type, thickness, shape, and application method. Shakes and shingles are predominantly made out of western red cedar. Yellow cedar is another wood often used in construction and may include shakes and shingles as well. Each type has multiple subspecies and types. Cedar wood is the best type of wood for this application due to the wood’s natural tannins. These tannins contribute ability to resist weathering, moisture, decay, and erosion. Thicknesses vary between shakes and shingles, but predominantly range between 3/8” inches shingles and 3/4” inches heavy had split shakes. The thicker the shake the longer the the life span it will have if properly maintained. There are also a variety of unique decorative cuts for both roof and siding application, however these products are substantially more in price. For more information on Cedar types click here.

3/4” Heavy Hand Split Shake with standard Installation.

3/4” Heavy Hand Split Shake with standard Installation.


Installation techniques vary between standard shake roofs and curved, wave, or thatched shake roofs. We will cover the standard shake installation method and general application as this is the most common for residential application.

Wood shake and wood shingle roofs utilize a 30 lb felt paper underlayment as a base and then application can begin. Shakes are installed like most roofing shingles from bottom to top and involve a starter course of wood shingles. Then the first course of shakes is lain and the succeeding courses are measured out to allow for proper exposure. Wood Shingles have a similar application but typically about half the exposure of a shake roof. We highly recommend the use shake liner, a 30 lb inter-layment between each course. This ensures the prevention of potential leaks and problems down the road. We utilized both a 30 lb base layer of underlayment and shake liner inter-layment on all of our wood shake roofs.

Life Span and Maintenance

A properly installed and properly maintained wood shake can last a lifetime. Wood is a natural material and wood roofs do require some maintenance which other roofing materials do not require. Sweeping, washing, staining, painting, coating, and oiling are all maintenance options for your roof. Requirements vary depending on climate, but the manufacturer video below should provide some insight on the topic. For more information on Care and maintenance you can visit the Cedar Shake and Shingle Bureau.


Wood roofs have withstood the test of time and that is why they are so popular in some of the most beautiful and affluent neighborhoods. You cannot go wrong with a wood shake roof and with proper care and maintenance it could be the last roof you need for your long term home.

Give us a call if you have a shake roof that requires a little TLC or are interested in installing one on your business or home. We are happy to perform an inspection and recommend repairs or maintenance or provide expert replacement if your roof is beyond its serviceable life. Call our office at: (833) 67-STORM or schedule a consultation or inspection today.