The Insurance Inspection

The Insurance Inspection

An on-site inspection to determine the damaged area.

First we filed the claim. Now the adjuster has, or soon will, call to schedule an inspection. This can go a few different ways…

First you can have one field adjuster (the adjuster who comes out and inspects the property) control the entire claim form start to finish. This however is becoming more and more rare and unlikely.

Next you could have a field adjuster (employed by the carrier directly or an independent adjuster whom is individually licensed) and a separate control adjuster who works solely in an office. Even though the control adjuster often resides in a totally different state, and they weren’t the one who visited the property, they usually have the final opinion. This separation is and attempt to allow for corporate and internal policies, and not your actual insurance policy, to dictate your claim and not simple on site discussion. Sounds like a great way to save the carrier to money to me… We will address this internal or corporate policies and why they don’t matter later in this series.

Finally, and quickly becoming the standard, we have the third party non licensed “note taker.” In this the carrier will send out a non licensed third party company (“Ladder Now” for example) to basically observer, take some photos, and a few measurements, and report to a control adjuster. How this is allowed by any Department of Insurance is beyond me… wait remember those billions of dollars in lobbying?

No matter who or whom comes out from the carrier, it is absolutely crucial your Tempel Roofing representative be there. We can make sure you have a representative who has your best interest aligned can make sure all the damages are recorded and discussion about the claim can take place to ensure a speedy resolution.

From there we can obtain a copy of the insurance carriers’s original estimate which we at Tempel Roofing refer to as the ‘Original Scope.’ More on that in the next part of this series.

Ryan Tempel